MasterController mod is also an essential tool for everyone diving into gameplay altering mods. It allows players to manage those mods, to optimize their impact and the way they affect the game. A must have mod for anyone wanting to play Sims 3 with mods.
The Sims 3: 15 Must Have Mods For Better Game Play
The Sims 3 is still a classic for PC and console, and there are certain mods that players must absolutely have to enjoy it to its fullest!
Though many devoted Sims players argue over which installment in the series was the best, in terms of both gameplay and the expansion packs that came along with it, almost every player can agree that the game would not be complete without the addition of custom content and mods.
Mods are downloaded codes and items made for an established game which gives players the ability to perform actions previously unavailable to them within the game. Since the Sims 4 has been a bit of a let down to date, many players have been flocking back to previous installments. And in spirit with that disappointment fueled nostalgia, this writer has compiled a list outlining some of the best mods for the third installment in the Sims series.
Updated on the 27th of February, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: Over the years, The Sims 4 has received a lot of criticism for not living up to its original hype. The game was a letdown in many ways after a title like The Sims 3 was released, which provided a ton of freedom and a massive open-world to explore.
At a time like this when The Sims 5 might just be in development and The Sims 4 has grown extremely stale, there’s no better opportunity to go back to The Sims 3. That being said, even The Sims 3 has its flaws. Thankfully, the amazing modding community never lets down, which is why we’ve included five additional gameplay-changing mods.
15 Get More Traits
Traits are really what make or break a Sim. Since people are complex creatures in real life as well, it helps with immersion to ensure that Sims also have as many traits as possible, in order to turn them into actual complex beings.
This mod allows exactly for that. It also helps by assigning more traits automatically to Sims that aren’t currently being played. My increasing the maximum amount of traits available for a Sim regardless of age, the player is able to create a more diverse world.
This is amazing as it makes gameplay feel much more realistic. But it does present one key problem: it becomes incredibly difficult to locate things, people, and houses.
Мод NRaas Overwatch
Начнем с служебного мода, который делает Sims 3 более плавным и менее глючным. Overwatch — это своего рода очиститель игрового мира, сбрасывающий застрявшие NPC, устраняющий утечки памяти и проблемы с задержками, а также предлагающий игрокам набор опций для дальнейшей очистки мира от вещей, которые могут вызвать задержку (например, отключение всех электроприборов в игра).
Все это происходит автоматически каждую ночь. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это установить предпочтительные параметры, а обо всем остальном позаботится Overwatch. Он активирует и очищает игру не только ночью, но и при загрузке сохранения. Overwatch — отличный мод для Sims 3 даже для людей, которые предпочитают играть в базовую игру без модов, поскольку он не влияет на игровой процесс и не добавляет новых вещей.
Мод NRaas StoryProgression
Независимо от того, чертовски ли вы уже играли в Sims 3 или если вы новый игрок, мод StoryProgression просто необходим. Sims 3 — отличная игра, но Electronic Arts обычно создает красивую внешнюю оболочку и обогащает ее множеством DLC, при этом не обращая внимания на игровые системы (Sims 4 кто-нибудь?), Вещь, которая преследует Sims 3, а также многие другие видеоигры EA. Одна из систем, которой не хватает, это определенно стандартное развитие сюжета для NPC.
Если вы не контролируете их, NPC-симы более или менее проживают день сурка без особых изменений в своей жизни. Что ж, Story Progression добавляет динамические жизненные события (например, женитьбу, смену карьеры, развод или разрыв) для всех симов на карте. Мало того, мод также позволяет игрокам контролировать жизнь каждого сима, а также настраивать его характеристики, навыки и другие переменные. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это загрузить дополнительные модули, предлагаемые в базовом моде. Еще один крутой мод, который мы рекомендуем сочетать с Story Progression, — это мод More Traits for All Ages. Этот мод расширяет максимальное количество черт, которые может получить каждый сим, делая игру намного интереснее.
You can download modded maps and use the mod to your heart’s content – you’ll be able to tag whichever you like on maps that aren’t even included in the base Sims 3 game!
Ultra-Plain Faces
Building off the previous mod we have this other one that improves face styles.
This mod makes typical sim faces look much more realistic by improving the faces and facial expressions that you see in the base game.
The mod is basically an overlay for every face in the game that makes them look plainer and less cartoony, adding some much appreciated realism to The Sims 3.
Zerbu’s Ultimate Career Mod
Rabbit holes have been a thing in the Sims since the first game was released.
In fact, it wasn’t until Sims 3 when some careers started having the option for your sim to work on a specific lot. And you still needed to have them do tasks yourself because they were part of career expansions.
However with this mod you’ll be able to have your sims go to a specific lot and have them do tasks in the time that they should be working.
Let’s say, for example, that your sim is a chef.
You can assign any given lot as their location of work and have them go there to do activities during the time that they’re at work.
Instead of going to a rabbit hole, your sim will then go to the selected lot and do any specific number of activities before they go home.
They might even slack off there which would be unfortunate. But hey, at least you’ll see what they’re doing and they won’t be just disappearing into a virtual car to go nowhere.
This mod aims to change all that by altering the way characters interact with each other and how NPCs behave. This really does make gameplay much better and way more entertaining in long saves.
@Льдинка The Juggernaut / Джаггернаут (RU)
Допустим, но система напарников тут есть, значит их наем предусмотрен, что из этого вначале игры может получится, я на своем примере рассказала, а если их нанимать на поздней стадии, то к этому времени можно и без мода крутых бойцов вкачать. вот я как тока забрала у легенды мейто и броньку, мой стартовый перс стал супер-пупер)), ходит и с одного удара быков валит, хотя статы, кроме силы, чёт около 60 всего.
Ладно, тут каждому свое, я просто постаралась подробнее написать, как это все может выглядеть в игре. и да, у легенды один из статов 125 за счет протеза.
Нашла я легенду, он действительно ходит в центре смирения, с ним еще взрослая собачка, 150к награды за него. Победить его не удалось, мой перс был один и пока не раскачан, но при 73 уровне убийства легко (84%) его оглушила и получила чертежи брони, на нем еще висит крутая бронька и два оружия мейто.
Шёл 2019 год, а The Sims 3 в топе скачиваний на торрентах лишь после The Sims 4. Многие поклонники игры уверяют, что The Sims 3 является лучшей. Но мы все знаем, что без модов The Sims 3 не будет такой классной, как мы бы хотели. Эта статья посвящается лучшим модам для TS3!
MasterController позволяет управлять большим количеством параметров механики игры, в этом моде есть инструменты для ручного управления каждым симом вашего города. Вы можете создавать отношения, создавать дом, менять работу своих симов и т. Д. Кроме того, для этого изменения есть набор различных дополнительных модулей, включая Cheats, ExpandedTattoo, Integration и Progression, с собственными уникальными функциями.
Второе место — TAGGER
Этот небольшой, но очень полезный мод для The Sims 3 дает вам возможность пометить отдельных симов или их группы, чтобы вам было легче находить их, когда они находятся вне дома. Кроме того, вы можете просматривать доход, размер активов и т. Д., Что значительно упрощает управление симами в вашем городе.
StoryRrogression, несомненно, является одним из лучших модов для The Sims 3. Он заменяет систему разработки сюжетной линии EA, предоставляет гораздо большее количество функций сюжетной линии и в целом формирует лучшую сюжетную линию. Кроме того, есть много разных дополнений с конкретными сценариями или расширением определенных областей, в частности карьер.
The Sims 3 была полна ошибок и багов. В игровом мире симы могут застрять где-то разными способами, и, пройдя мимо нескольких городских жителей, работа некоторых элементов игровой механики была быстро прервана, и игра стала неконтролируемый и начал значительно замедляться. Наблюдайте каждую ночь и каждый раз, когда сохраняемая нагрузка решает все это за вас, устраняя многие проблемы.
In fact, it wasn’t until Sims 3 when some careers started having the option for your sim to work on a specific lot. And you still needed to have them do tasks yourself because they were part of career expansions.
NRaas MasterController Mod
We continue with another powerful tool that greatly expands the level of control you have over every sim populating your game world. You can create new relationships, assign unique job roles to each sim, and much more. One of the star features of this mod is allowing players to have more freedom when creating sims in CAS (create a sim) mode.
MasterController mod is also an essential tool for everyone diving into gameplay altering mods. It allows players to manage those mods, to optimize their impact and the way they affect the game. A must have mod for anyone wanting to play Sims 3 with mods.
NRaas Retuner Mod
Retuner is a Sims 3 mod made for players who want to have complete control over their gaming experience. This mod allows users to tune and tweak all kinds of stuff. You can decrease or increase the challenge by tweaking prices. Or maybe manually control automatic interactions. Retuner is quite powerful and has a ton of options. You’ll probably need some time to learn how it all works but once you do, the whole world of game-altering tweaks will be at your grasp.
Хотите спрятать сокровища и секреты своей семьи симов в недоступном для посторонних месте? Этот мод для вас. Добавляет дверь, которую могут открыть только персонажи с соответствующим ключом. Если вы хотите скрыть добро своей семьи от других симов и воров — это то, что вам нужно.
Miscellaneous Mods
These are mods that don’t fit into any other category.
– Makes Sims more likely to put books away instead of leaving them sitting around. You will need to register an account at Sims Asylum to download. – Adds tons of new recipes and ingredients to the game. – This mod replaces the “Go Here” interaction with one that can be stacked in the queue, allowing the user to better direct the route of a sim. It also makes inactive Sims less likely to go home, restores haunting ghosts in the grave yard, fixes common routing errors, and allows you to “Teleport” Sims to a location. – Adds new interactions and fixes some of the EA ones. – Fixes the “Well Rested” moodlet as of Nightlife (if your Sim is in a terrible mood after sleeping in the cheapest bed for no good reason). – Writing, Painting, Gardening, and Tinkering give fun or more fun. – This mod stops the memory scrapbook from filling up with useless memories. I use the “Only Important Memories” version. – One more slot, please. Use to add more decorations and clutter to surfaces. – This mod replaces all read book type interactions so they only autonomously select books your Sim hasn’t read already. – Allows you to pack and move your family to new worlds while keeping jobs and relationships intact. – Slows down all vehicles to a realistic speed in-game. – This mod can be tuned to change the speed at which time flows during the course of a sim-day. – Overhauls the map tagging system. I use it to change lot addresses and to see my Sims’ net worth and sexual orientation from map view. – Allows you to set the time of day, similar to the set hour cheat in Sims 2. Use with caution. Your entire neighborhood will be affected. I mostly use it for taking screenshots if I need it to be night time or day time, etc.
Money Mods
These are mods that impact money or finance in the game.
– This is the mod I use to manage my rental properties and landlord/tenant system in my Sims 3 Let’s Plays. Allows you to play as landlord and/or tenant. – A mod to lower the pay of all Sims 3 Careers. All jobs now start at $15 per hour. – This mod adds to all computers the option to use ‘online banking’ (i.e. deposit/withdraw money from a bank account). – This mod provides a way to manually collect Tax Money from your sims. The money can then be used in various situations like improving the school or library within the town or financing a children’s home.
One of the worst things that you can have happening to a legacy save is losing all of the progress you’ve made with a sim because you want them to move elsewhere.
Master Controller
Master Controller allows you to better manage all of your NRAAS mods and makes the game understand how to run them better.
In fact, this is one of those mods that seems to not do much until you realize how much stuff goes on behind the scenes.
The processes of your Sims 3 game will run much better with Master Controller, so it’s one of the most recommended mods that you can download for your game before you install any other mods.
It’s (naturally) 100% free and pretty easy to install. Plus this makes it easier for you to manage many in-game variants using simple sliders.
You can even edit many of these things by yourself by accessing the mod’s documentation. Overall a masterpiece addition for any Sims 3 lovers.
The Sims 3 is the largest Sims game ever made in terms of worldbuilding and managing the size of the worlds.
We all know how complex games can get when the story progresses for many generations. And with such a big world, it’s only natural and to be expected for bugs to happen from time to time.
However the Sims 3 might also be the buggiest Sims game ever made, which can be quite inconvenient when you play the same save for a while.
The Overwatch mod was made to combat the annoyances that often come with large scale gameplay.
You might often walk into places where certain sims are stuck, and you can’t do too much about it sadly. You’d have to manually control everything and that’s just not viable.
Overwatch makes sure to reset the state of things from time to time, making your game run smoother and helping you to avoid facing unfortunate encounters where interactions become impossible. This is also useful in case 2 mods conflict with each other.
The Overwatch mod is a simple but amazing add-on which makes The Sims 3 that much more of an amazing game.